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WJE is pleased to announce promotions to Principal and Associate Principal. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Announces Promotions
Understand the pros and cons of removing snow from a roof. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- Roof Collapse due to Snow Loads: Common Causes and Prevention Strategies
Learn how BECx can add value, save energy, and mitigate long-term performance issues. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- Building Enclosure Commissioning: Improving Performance and Managing Risk
Learn info and deadlines related to San Francisco Building Facade Inspection and Maintenance... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- The SF Facade Ordinance: Planning, Logistics, Inspections, and Reporting
Monday, September 14, kicks off OSHA's seventh annual National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Participates in 2020 National Safety Stand-Down
Achieve compliance with the first mandatory milestone for the City of Los Angeles seismic... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- SoCal Seismic Retrofit Ordinances: The Simple First Steps Toward Compliance
Hear experts discuss potential impacts of the pandemic on contractors, building owners, facility... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Recording of "Construction Litigation in the COVID-19 Era" Now Available
Learn how to cost effectively extend the life of building exteriors with an asset management plan. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- From the Outside In: Protecting Your Building Envelopes with an Asset Management Plan
Learn to identify problematic conditions and strategies for making these problems more manageable. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- Are Your Healthcare Facility Walls and Roofs Helping or Hurting Your Primary Mission?
Learn from a panel of university facility leaders how they are planning for the upcoming year. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Recording of "Back to School: A Facilities Perspective" Now Available
Learn about the requirements of the new Honolulu high-rise ordinance. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- Navigating Honolulu's New Residential High-Rise Fire Safety Ordinance
Learn about the use of fire tests to achieve building code compliance. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording -- Using Full-Scale Fire Testing to Demonstrate Building Code Compliance