NEWS | April 9, 2020
Fire Protection Webinar Series Recordings Now Available

Recordings of WJE's recent webinar series are now available. These four webinars cover a variety of fire protection and life safety topics related to building construction, maintenance, preservation, and code compliance.
You may request a certificate of completion for one Professional Development Hour for each webinar recording viewed.
New IBC Office Occupant Load Factor: When and How to Use It
Fire protection engineer Warren Bonisch covers the history of the International Building Code's (IBC) office occupant load factor, the new changes made to the office load factor and why these changes were made, and where and how to use the new office occupant load factors. He also provides example projects showing the impact of the new factor.
Historic Preservation through Fire Protection: Comprehensive Approaches for Life Safety in Historic Structures
Fire protection engineers Tim Costello and Nick Ozog, along with historic preservationist Kyle Normandin, outline basic fire protection and life safety objectives commonly addressed during historic preservation, rehabilitation, restoration, reconstruction, and adaptive reuse projects.
Using Full-Scale Fire Testing to Demonstrate Building Code Compliance
Fire protection engineer Mike Rzeznik reviews a case study in which full-scale laboratory fire testing demonstrated that a previously approved ESFR upright sprinkler was capable of protecting double row rack Group A plastic storage at a higher ceiling height than the sprinkler was originally listed. The resulting solution was able to effectively protect the warehouse, while also saving the owner considerable construction cost as well as preserving the long-term real estate value.
Navigating Honolulu's New Residential High-Rise Fire Safety Ordinance
Structural engineer Mike Greer and fire protection engineer Garner Palenske review the events that led to adoption of the new Honolulu high-rise ordinance, clarify the submittal requirements and schedule for compliance, and provide recommendations to help building owners and managers effectively prepare.