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A deep-dive inside a “typical” failure investigation. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Upcoming Webinar -- Anatomy of a Failure: Engineering a Collapse Investigation
Illustrating the implementation of EV technology and sustainable design in parking structures,... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Fire Protection and Structural Impacts of Sustainable Designs and EV Technology in Parking Garages
We are pleased to announce the following recent promotions to Principal and Associate Principal. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Announces 2024 Senior Staff Promotions
Overview of Historic Structure Reports and related studies, the benefits to having one, and the... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Historic Structure Reports — Resources for Stewardship
Updates to the San Francisco's facade inspection and maintenance program, and practical... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Wind Events and Glass Breakage: Lessons Learned in San Francisco
Civil engineer Karthik Pattaje is one of seven American Concrete Institute Young Professionals... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Pattaje Represents ACI at Emerging Leaders Alliance Conference
Senior Principal Michael Lee was inducted into the Academy of Distinguished Alumni for The... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Lee Inducted into Academy of Distinguished Alumni
Matthew Fadden and Gary Klein explain primary considerations during the aftermath of a collapse... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Collapse! Aftermath and Investigation
Selecting appropriate materials is a key step in the design and construction of buildings and... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Materials Selection, Substitution, and Unintended Consequences
WJE in-house research project aimed at designing a more contemporary terra cotta rainscreen... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Restoring the Future: Rainscreen Cladding in Historic Terra Cotta Assemblies
We recently hosted guests at our Northbrook headquarters to discuss the challenges and benefits... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Visitors Get Up-Close Look at Low-Carbon Concrete Demonstration
It's an honor to be featured on the cover of a nationally respected magazine. More than half a... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | ENR Profiles WJE's Contributions to Forensic Engineering