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Learn about WJE’s investigation and findings, including our collapse theory. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Champlain Towers South (Surfside, FL) Collapse Investigation
Fire protection and life safety consultants Carl Baldassarra and Garner Palenske have been... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Baldassarra and Palenske Appointed to Advisory Committee
This event, which is a staple feature in OSHA's fight against falls from heights, is intended to... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Participates in National Fall Prevention Safety Stand-Down 2023
Senior Principal Carl Baldassarra has been recognized as the principal contributor providing... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Baldassarra Recognized as Course Contributor for SFPE's New Ethics Course
Organize and analyze information about your roofing systems so that future maintenance and... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Avoiding the Unexpected: Roofing Asset Management Fundamentals
A presentation of findings from the report and a forum for your questions and discussion. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Findings of Research Questionnaire on Vibratory Impacts of Music and Transport on Museum Collections
Learn to evaluate and manage risks of demolition, dewatering, excavation, and construction next... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Mitigating Risks in Adjacent Demolition, Excavation, and Construction
Learn the major building code (IBC/IEBC) ramifications you must consider when adapting rooftop... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Occupied Rooftops - The Sky's the Limit
We are pleased to announce that Carl Baldassarra, Matt Farmer, Lee Lawrence, Michael Lee, and... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Announces New Senior Principals
The report was recently released by the international research group who developed and issued... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Research: Vibratory Impacts of Music and Transport on Museum Collections
An overview of the existing building code evolution and application of today’s IEBC provisions MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Applying the Code to Existing Buildings
Learn about the history and development of 20th century concrete technology. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Webinar Recording: Assessment and Conservation of Modernist Concrete