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The National Trust for Historic Preservation recognized WJE's work on the Old Cook County Hospital. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Old Cook County Hospital Receives 2022 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation National Preservation Award
WJE is pleased to have played a role in these recent award-winning projects. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Projects Recognized for Excellence
The Commission on Chicago Landmarks has awarded the Cook County Hospital Administration Building... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Old Cook County Hospital Receives 2021 Preservation Excellence Award
WJE provided building enclosure restoration services for the MLK Library. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | MLK Library Receives Driehaus Foundation Preservation Award
Life Members are long-time Council members who have distinguished themselves by their... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Ray Tide Selected for RCSC Bolt Council Life Membership
The CAEE Academy of Distinguished Alumni was established to recognize the professional... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Chuck Larosche Elected to CAEE Academy
The Ford Assembly Building, Barbours Cut Terminal Container Wharf, and Leamington Building all... MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Multiple WJE Projects Win ICRI Awards
WJE is pleased to have a played a role in these recent award-winning projects. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Projects Recognized with Industry Awards
WJE is providing consulting services for the exterior building envelope. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Richard Gilder Center Receives 2020 PA Award
This award celebrates alumni who are making outstanding contributions to their professions. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Gerns Receives CAP Alumni Award
Crain profiled thirty-two accomplished women in STEM. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Freisinger Named Notable Woman in STEM
WJE provided building enclosure consulting services for the Keller Center. MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Keller Center Receives COTE Top Ten Award