Wharf Restoration

Our experience in the assessment, repair, and rehabilitation of maritime structures has made us a key partner for owners looking to restore their deteriorating wharf structures. Expertise in our laboratory facilities and our knowledge of materials behavior in marine environments inform our approach to developing solutions. We have experience with retaining and restoring existing structures, developing strategies to implement new components, and designing new marine structures.
We deliver value for clients and their unique considerations such as cost, schedule, impact on operations, durability, and safety. Our experts work closely with port infrastructure owners or as significant contributors to collaborative joint-venture design efforts to verify that future capital investments are put to the best possible use.
- Advanced Structural Analysis
- Marine Load Rating
- Cathodic Protection Design
- Corrosion Assessment and Service Life Evaluation (WJE CASLE™)
- Nondestructive Evaluation
- Materials Evaluation
- Marine Repair and Rehabilitation