Playhouse Square

Playhouse Square Real Estate Services |
Cleveland, OH |
Facade Condition Assessment and Temporary Stabilization
WJE was retained to assess the overall condition of the exterior facades of the historic Bulkley, Hanna, and Idea Center Buildings and make recommendations for repairs. To fulfill the requirements of Cleveland’s Facade Ordinance, WJE’s inspection of the exterior facade also conformed with the requirements of Chapter 3143 “Exterior Walls and Appurtenances” of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Cleveland, Ohio.
The Bulkley, Hanna, and Idea Center buildings are located in the heart of Playhouse Square.
The main facade of the nine-story Bulkley Building is clad primarily with limestone and an architectural terra cotta cornice, and the remaining facades are clad with brick masonry. The main facade of the sixteen-story Hanna Building is primarily clad in architectural terra cotta and limestone, and the remaining facades are clad with brick masonry. The main facade of the seven-story Idea Center Building is primarily clad in architectural terra cotta, and the remaining facades are clad with brick masonry infill panels within an exposed concrete structural frame.
WJE completed a facade condition assessment of the facades of all three historic structures to identify, record, and evaluate the masonry, stone, windows, and sealant at all facade areas for evidence of distress and deficiencies.
WJE’s services included a Facade Ordinance inspection of each building to document deficiencies found on the exterior walls and appurtenances (i.e., marquee signs) and categorize those conditions as either “safe,” “unsafe,” or “safe with a repair and maintenance program.” WJE’s inspection of the facades consisted of visual observations using binoculars from grade level and roof levels and at arm’s length from suspended scaffolding. Removal of brick masonry permitted assessment of concealed conditions, such as steel lintels and backup material.
WJE worked with the building owner’s contractor who provided contractor assistance, including temporary stabilization of select conditions at the Bulkley and Hanna Building facades.
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