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WJE principal known for hard work, expertise, and strong relationships MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Mourns the Loss of Joe Godfryt, Building Enclosure Expert
Program provides WJE clients with regulatory-compliant quality services MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Compliant with ASME NQA-1 Nuclear Regulatory Standard
San Francisco staffers and family members raised $3,828 for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society MORE >LOCAL NEWS | San Francisco Staffers Participate in LLS Walk
General industry standards specific to slip, trip, and fall hazards MORE >LOCAL NEWS | OSHA Finalizes New Rule for Working Surfaces and Fall Protection
WJE principal accorded one of the highest professional distinctions for an engineer MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Klein Inducted into the National Academy of Engineering
Night flying allows infrared inspection of building facades, roofs, and other structures MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Gains Waiver for Nighttime Drone Usage
Human Resources has coordinated participation in Annual Back-To-School Supply Drive since 2010 MORE >LOCAL NEWS | WJE Gives Back for Back-to-School!
WJE staffers serve lunch at the Institute of Human Services Men's Shelter MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Honolulu Staffers Volunteer at Local Shelter
Website outlines upgrade requirements and relevant deadlines for various California cities MORE >LOCAL NEWS | Launched