Parks Canada retained WJE to perform a thorough analysis of the condition of the Kirkfield Lift Lock, make recommendations for its repair, and develop a plan to allow for single chamber operation of the lift lock until the repairs could be completed and the lift lock returned to its earlier state.
In this paper, engineers Robert McPherson and Yang Zheng discuss the electrical and controls portion of the project, including modifying the control system to allow single chamber automatic operation, installation and commissioning, and reversion to normal operation.
Presented at the HEAVY MOVABLE STRUCTURES, INC. 20th Biennial Movable Bridge Symposium.
Watch this video case study to see how we helped to repair the Kirkfield Lift Lock, which is the second-tallest hydraulic lift lock in the world and one of only two lift locks in North America.
Robert A. McPherson, Associate PrincipalWJE Doylestown MORE >People | Robert A. McPherson, Associate Principal
Yang Zheng, Associate PrincipalWJE Doylestown MORE >People | Yang Zheng, Associate Principal
A WJE case study of our work to repair a lift lock in Ontario, Canada for Parks Canada. MORE >Videos | Case Study: Kirkfield Lift Lock
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