Penn Circle Apartments

McClain Consulting Services, Inc.
Carmel, IN

Masonry Facade Assessment and Repair

WJE was retained by McClain Consulting Services, Inc. to perform a prepurchase condition assessment of the facades, in particular of the brick masonry where excess efflorescence was observed on each building.


The Penn Circle Apartment complex consists of four three-story and one four-story residential apartment buildings completed in 2013. The buildings are wood-framed, and the facades of each building consist of a combination of brick masonry and manufactured panels.


WJE reviewed relevant construction documents, previous investigation reports, and performed a visual condition assessment. A contractor was hired to make inspection openings in the brick masonry to view as-built conditions of the facade system as part of WJE's assessment.

WJE's assessment revealed that many as-built conditions of the facade system did not conform to construction documents, including missing flashing terminations and inadequately installed or missing sealant joints at material interfaces, window perimeters, and expansion joints.

WJE reviewed repair concepts developed by the owner's consultant to address observed conditions and performed field observation services during the repair project as quality assurance for the prospective buyer.