NEWS | September 1, 2017
Klein Appointed to NCST Advisory Committee

WJE Executive Vice President and Senior Principal Gary Klein was recently appointed to a prestigious three-year term on the National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Under the NCST Act, signed into law in October 2002, NIST is authorized to investigate major building failures in the United States. The NCST Advisory Committee advises NIST on carrying out investigations of building failures conducted under the authorities of the NCST Act. Members are selected based on their technical expertise and experience, established records of distinguished professional service, and their knowledge of issues affecting NIST studies.
The committee advises the NIST director by providing advice on the function of the NCST teams, along with reviewing procedures and reports produced by the teams.
Gary J. Klein, Executive Vice President and Senior PrincipalWJE Northbrook MORE >People | Gary J. Klein, Executive Vice President and Senior Principal
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