Roof Guarantees: For Whose Benefit?


How much do you know about the various guarantees attached to the roof systems you maintain, own, or manage? How confident are you that they provide adequate assurances in the event of a problem or failure?

WJE roofing experts Paul Hise, RA, and Edis Oliver, PE, share insight into the various types of guarantees, who they actually protect, and which guarantees will best provide the assurances and protection you need in times of trouble.

This one-hour webinar will help you:

  • Determine what your guarantees cover and what they do not;
  • Recognize when to call on your guarantees and identify the best means to resolve your concerns;
  • Understand what you should look for in a guarantee when planning your next roof replacement or maintenance project; and,
  • Take prudent action when your guarantees fail you.