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WJE 50 Years
Cor ros i on Res i s tant Re i nforc i ng Study
In 1993, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) began a study to develop new types of organic, inorganic, ceramic, and metallic coatings,
as well as metallic alloys that could be used on or as concrete reinforcement. The objective of the study was to identify the most cost-effective
corrosion-resistant reinforcing bar types with intended seventy-five to one-hundred-year design expectations.
This ambitious and monumental corrosion study established WJE as a leader in the research of corrosion of embedded metals in concrete.
The FHWA-published reports, as well as other publications and countless presentations worldwide, helped the industry define alternatives
for preventing corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.
Notes of Interest
• The 1993–1998 research program involved testing more
than fifty-two different organic, inorganic, and metallic
coatings on steel bars, as well as solid metal reinforcing
bars (epoxy-coated, other polymer-coated, ceramic-coated,
galvanized-clad, epoxy-coated galvanized-clad, stainless
steel clad, nickel clad, copper-clad, corrosion-resistance
alloy-clad, inorganic silicate-clad, solid corrosion resistance
alloy steel, solid aluminum-bronze, solid stainless steels,
and solid titanium). Twelve bar types were selected for
long-term durability tests in concrete exposed to the
very aggressive cyclic testing.
• The FHWA has several predecessors, the first of which
being the Office of Road Inquiry. On October 3, 1893,
General Roy Stone took charge of the new Office of Road
Inquiry, with a budget of $10,000 and a staff consisting
of one stenographer. The small agency became a leader
in the Good Roads Movement and has grown to include
3,800 employees and division offices in every state.