Page 5 - The_WJE_Perspective

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t o b e t t e r u n d e r s ta n d a s i t u at i o n
Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates (WJE) founder
Jack Janney always
advised colleagues to “Ask the Structure.” With passion and enthusiasm
for accurately diagnosing a structure’s unique problem or developing
an innovative solution for new construction, the engineers, architects,
and materials scientists of WJE often find themselves in unusual
places with uncommon views.
Through an annual photography competition that began in 2008,
WJE employees have been encouraged to tap into their creativity.
Here we share the best photographs of their inspired work taken
from vantage points very few people ever experience.
Our amateur photographers have proven to be quite adept at
seeing the extraordinary in their ordinary day-to-day work.
This is
The WJE Perspective